Singapura Cat

The Singapura Cat are one of the smallest breeds of cats, characaturized for large eyes and ears, brown ticked coat. The tail is slender, slightly shorter than the length of the body and has a blunt tip.

The breed of cat takes its name from the traditional name for Singapore (Singapura, which means lion city in Malay).

Cat Breed

As the story goes, the breed was established from three Drain Cats or Kucinta (meaning beloved), imported from Singapore in the 1970s. Later it was revealed the cats were originally sent to Singapore from the US before being exported back to the US.

Investigations by the Cat Fanciers' Association (CFA) concluded no wrongdoing and the Singapura kept its status as a natural breed.

The Singapura was accepted for registration by the CFA in 1982 and granted championship status in 1988. In between this period, breeders found that the occasional litter would have a solid colored kitten, caused by the recessive gene for solid color.

The desire for the Singapura to breed true, many breeders chose to do test matings to pinpoint and remove from their breeding programs cats with the recessive gene. It was discovered that two of the three foundation cats carried this gene.

Singapura cats are among the rarest breeds, mainly because their breeders have insisted on ensuring that Singapura breed naturally. Singapura cats have won grand championships in many cat shows since the late 1980s.

Due to that selective breeding process mentioned above, it often happens that people who obtain Singapura cats as pets get those that are not suitable for showing.

Largely because of characteristics that disqualify them from being considered pure Singapura. Whether or not they are of show quality, Singapura cats share the innate agility and intelligence for which they are known.

In Great Britian, a pet-quality Singapura can cost £300-400 ( US show specimen can cost upwards of £600.


Singapura cats are well known for having much smaller heads, highlighting their large eyes and ears. They have relatively smaller legs, yet prove to be quite agile and active. One feature to watch out for is the striping on the upper legs, which is said to distinguish the breed.

Singapura kittens are quite smaller than others on average, and it takes between 15 to 24 months for a kitten to mature somewhat. Males weigh on average between six to eight pounds and females from between five to six pounds.

The Singapura is a moderately stocky and muscular small to medium-sized cat, with a very short and fine coat. A full grown female usually weighs 5-6 pounds while the male weighs 6-8 pounds. The large, slightly pointed and deep cupped ears together with the large almond shaped eyes are characteristics of the breed.

The coat pattern of this cat is that of a ticked tabby. That is, individual hair strands have alternating sections of dark and light color, typically two dark bands separated by two light bands and a dark color at the tip. The underside, including the chest, muzzle and chin, takes the color of the light bands.

The Singapura is recognized by cat registries in only one color, the sepia agouti, described as "dark brown ticking on a warm old ivory ground color".

The Singapura is known to be a very friendly cat, but very persuasive in a low-key way. They are affectionate and desire human interaction and into old age they continue to follow people around the house. They are inquisitive, intelligent, and can be perceived as sympathetic.

The Singapura is described by the CFA as active, curious and playful. The cat is active, curious and playful. As a writer suggested, in a tribute to the cat’s persistence, that a Singapura can be trained, but not before it trains the owner.

Very much like the culture from which this cat emerged, Singapura cats are not known to be argumentative creatures. As many cats, they tend to perch on high places, allowing them a better view of their surrounding.

The natural habitat of the Singapura Cat has mostly been cleaned up by the Singaporean government. In addition the Singapore government has declared this breed of cat to be a national treasure. Statues can be found along the banks of the Singapore River.

Singapura Cat Photos

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