Ragdoll Cats
Ragdoll Cats are a beautiful breed of cat, noted for blue eyes and distinctive colorpoint coat.
The Ragdoll name came from the original breeding cats who tended to limp and relaxed when they were picked. By nature, are affectionate, docile and have a gentle temperment.
History and Origins
The Ragdoll name came from the original breeding cats who tended to limp and relaxed when they were picked. They are by nature affectionate, docile and have a gentle temperment.
The story of how the Ragdoll Cat came to be is quite interesting. Josephine was a white, Persian/Angora, part feral cat. A domestic cat, Josephine had litters sired by several male Birman cats or Burmese-like cats, one of which had the Siamese point coloration.
As the story goes, she was injured in an accident involving a car and taken to the veterinary hospital at the University of California.
Ann Baker, a Persian cat breeder from Riverside, California, believed that Josephine was the subject of a secret government genetic experiment during treatment at the lab and claimed that it made Josephine docile and relaxed when picked up and immune to pain.
After Josephine recovered, her next litter produced kittens with similar temperament.
When the subsequent litter produced more of the same, Ann Baker purchased several kittens from the kittens from the owner. She believed she had something special and set out to create what is now known as the Ragdoll.
The breed was selectively bred over many years for desirable traits, such as large size, gentle demeanor and a tendency to go limp when picked up. Also the striking pointed coloration.
Baker later trademarked the name Ragdoll. She also started a cat registry of her own in 1971, called the International Ragdoll Cat Association (IRCA), and enforced stringent standards on anyone who wanted to breed or sell cats under that name. She claimed that the Ragdoll differed from other breeds in five ways:
1) They are a quite good-sized cat.
2) Compared to ther cats, they are less sensitive to pain.
3) Being a mainly domestic indoors animal, they lack skills for self-preservation. A loving nature makes them easy prey for other animals, so they are strictly indoor cats.
4) Their fur wll not mat together.
5) Their bodies go limp when held.
The docile and floppy nature of Ragdoll Cats is a characteristic thought to be passed down from the Persian and Birman breed. There are contrary statements on whether this trait might be the result of genetic mutation. The extreme docility of some individuals have led to the myth that Ragdolls are pain-resistant.
Ragdolls are also known as "puppycats". They tend to follow you around the house, giving you constant companionship. Ragdolls tend to be floor cats, so you'll rarely find them jumping up on the counters or kitchen tables. Ragdolls love human interaction, some actually like to play fetch!
Breed standards describe the Ragdoll Cat as being affectionate, intelligent, relaxed in temperament, gentle and easy to handle.
Physical characteristics
This beautiful cat is one of the larger domesticated cat breeds, having a sturdy body, large frame and proportionate legs. A fully grown female will range in weight from 8 pounds to 15 pounds.
Males, being larger, range in weight from 12 pounds to 20 pounds. Genes for point coloration are also responsible for the blue eyes of the Ragdoll.
The eyes are obliquely set and usually a deep blue. The eyes and ears are set wide apart. A bushy tail is slightly tapered and should reach the shoulder of the cat when placed along the side. The paws are rounded with long tufts of fur.
Ragdolls are all white at birth with colors starting to develop at about 10 days old. Full color and pattern are shown only after two to three years. There are four colors and three patterns accepted in most breed associations. Ragdolls are described by combining their colors and patterns, like “seal colorpoint” or “chocolate bi-color.”
Seal Colorpoint.
Seal colorpoint Ragdolls have light tan bodies with dark seal brown points. Shade may range from ivory to pale beige and usually lightens by the belly and chest area. Nose leather and paw pads should be seal brown to brownish black, subject to rose-colored undertones.
Chocolate point.
Chocolate Point colored Ragdolls have ivory bodies that lightens at the belly and chest. Points range from warm milk color to bittersweet chocolate, having rosy undertones. Nose leather is generally rose-brown with paw pads of brownish salmon pink.
Blue point.
Blue Ragdolls appear cold, having a bluish white to platinum grey fur, with no tinge of brown. Points are blue-grey to deep slate. The nose leather and paw pads are dark blue accented in pink undertones.
These gorgeous cats are playful and eager to please all of their lives. Crave human companionship, they greet you at the door and follow you around the house. They may jump in your lap when you sit down and others sit beside you. These cats like to flop on your feet and others prefer perching on your shoulder.
These elegant creatures want to be near us, on us, with us at all times. Their affectionate, playful nature truly earns them the nickname "puppycats." Ragdoll kittins are so very precious!
Ragdoll Cat Care Handbook
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